Welcome to Brasil Projects

Hello Heavy Lift magazine reader, how are you?
We are very happy that you have scanned our QRCODE and that you want to know a little more about our services.

Know that by clicking on the link below you can talk directly to me through Whatsapp or if you prefer, you can call +55 11 99165-9818.

I await your contact!
Aline Marinho

Av. Cidade Jardim, 377 – 8º andar
Edifício Saint James Park – Itaim Bibi
CEP: 01453-900
+55 (11) 3504-4500

Thomas Weitmann | Diretor
+55 (11) 3504-4501

Cesar Gomes | Comercial e Operacional
+55 (11) 3504-4509

Aline Marinho | Comercial
+55 (11) 3504-4502 | +55 (11) 99165-9818

Cristina Galhardo | Comercial e Pricing
+55 (11) 3504-4504

Julio Rodrigues | Comercial e Pricing
+55 (11) 3504-4512

Rua Amador Bueno, 333 – CJ 502/504 e 506 – 5ª andar
CEP: 11013-153
+55 (13) 3213-5353
operacional.exp@brasil-projects.com.br.br | operacional.imp@brasil-projects.com.br.br

Fernanda Souza | Gerente Operacional
+55 (13) 3213-5354

Rafael Possetti | Transportes Especiais
+55 (13) 3213-5355

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